Dodge roll

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Dodge roll is a movement skill that is possessed by default on all characters. It does not require a skill gem slot, and has a dedicated keybind space by default.


  • Dodge roll has no cooldown or cost by default.
  • Dodge roll moves the player 3.7 metres in a direction.
  • Dodge roll cannot be used to cross gaps or crossable terrain obstacles (e.g. small fences) or move between different elevations.
  • Dodge roll reduces the player's character size to 0 units during the skill animation. This allows the user to roll through enemies if there is a small gap between them, but they can still get stuck if completely surrounded.
  • Certain small monsters can get pushed away by the player while dodge rolling.
  • The first half of the roll animation avoids damage (grants i-frames) from projectiles and non-AoE attacks, and can be used to cancel almost any animation except another roll.
  • Rolling covers more initial distance but travels the same total distance as base movement speed (walking/running) over its entire duration. Roll speed is affected by movement speed. Compared to regular movement, it allows for quicker reactions against hazards but is not an overall speed boost.
  • Modifiers to dodge roll distance (e.g. Surefooted SigilSurefooted Sigil
    Jade Amulet
    Requires Level 8+(10-15) to Dexterity+(40-60) to maximum Life
    +(5-15) to Dexterity
    +1 Metre to Dodge Roll distance
    50% increased Evasion Rating if you've Dodge Rolled Recently
    Natural grace is born, not earned.
    ) do not increase the time it takes to complete the dodge roll, but instead cause it to cover a larger distance in the same time. It is effectively a speed multiplier for dodge roll overall.
  • Dodge roll's animation cannot be modified by skill speed. However, it is affected by action speed.
  • Dodge roll will forcibly cancel most skills. Skills stop spending mana or other costs if cancelled.
  • Rolling while shapeshifted will usually morph you out of the transformation, though this can be negated in some cases. Dodge roll does not revert shapeshift in towns.
    • Demon Form does not get reverted; instead, it replaces dodge roll with a dash.

Modifying dodge roll

Certain skills and passives can modify Dodge roll or change its functions entirely.

Related unique items

Theses unique items have effects related to Dodge Roll:

ItemBase itemRequired levelStats
Surefooted SigilSurefooted Sigil
Jade Amulet
Requires Level 8+(10-15) to Dexterity+(40-60) to maximum Life
+(5-15) to Dexterity
+1 Metre to Dodge Roll distance
50% increased Evasion Rating if you've Dodge Rolled Recently
Natural grace is born, not earned.
Jade Amulet8+(10-15) to Dexterity+(40-60) to maximum Life
+(5-15) to Dexterity
+1 Metre to Dodge Roll distance
50% increased Evasion Rating if you've Dodge Rolled Recently
Threaded Shoes
Evasion: 28
Energy Shield: 14
Requires Level 16, 17 Dex, 17 Int(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(30-50) to maximum Mana
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Dodge Roll passes through Enemies
The cursed ones march forever,
On their hopeless, last endeavour.
Threaded Shoes16(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(30-50) to maximum Mana
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Dodge Roll passes through Enemies
Ab AeternoAb Aeterno
Grand Cuisses
Armour: 66
Evasion: 60
Energy Shield: 23
Requires Level 65, 43 Str, 43 Dex, 43 Int(15–30)% increased Movement Speed
(60–80)% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield
Dodge Roll avoids all Hits
10% less Movement and Skill Speed per Dodge Roll in the past 20 seconds
His enemy was for endurance forged. His own waned.
Grand Cuisses65(15–30)% increased Movement Speed
(60–80)% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield
Dodge Roll avoids all Hits
10% less Movement and Skill Speed per Dodge Roll in the past 20 seconds

Version history

Version Changes
  • More Monsters are now able to be pushed while dodge rolling. This generally applies to most Monsters smaller than a Skeleton.
  • Fixed a bug where you could briefly be unable to perform any skills if you tried to interact with an object and dodge rolled at the same time.
  • Fixed a bug where some interactables couldn't be cancelled by using dodge roll.
  • Fixed a bug with dodge roll which allowed the player to roll through Bone Walls and Frost Walls.
  • Fixed a bug with dodge roll which allowed the player to roll off of The Ardura Caravan Ramp.
  • Player size is now set to Zero units while dodge rolling instead of One unit.
  • Some smaller monsters can now be pushed while dodge rolling. This includes monsters such as the Adorned Beetles in Keth.
  • Introduced to the game.