Gamblesprint Embossed BootsEvasion: 50Requires Level 16, 29 Dex(124)% increased Evasion Rating +(11) to Dexterity +(14)% to Lightning Resistance Gain up to 40% increased Movement Speed at random when Hit, until Hit againAll your tomorrows lie ahead of you, unknown and snarled tot he very last.
Metadata Item class: Boots
Gamblesprint is a uniqueEmbossed BootsEmbossed BootsEvasion: 50Requires Level 16, 29 Dex.
Gain up to 40% increased Movement Speed at random when Hit, until Hit again: When hit, this modifier randomly grants 0% to 40% increased movement speed. Being hit again will randomize this value again.
Item acquisition
Gamblesprint can drop anywhere. It can be chanced.