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This subpage provides documentation for Template:Item.

This template is used on a large number of pages.
To avoid major disruption and server load, do not make unnecessary edits to this template. Test changes to this template first using its /sandbox and /testcases subpages or your user space. All of the changes can then be applied to this template in a single edit.
Consider discussing changes on the talk page or on Discord before implementing them.
The item template is used on item pages to show the item's infobox. This setup also allows an item pages' data to be transcluded on other pages and formatted in various ways such as in a table. See testcases for examples.
All parameters except for Name are optional. They can be excluded or left blank.
Parameter | Description |
Name | Name of the item |
PageName | Name of the item's wiki page – Defaults to Name
Image | File name of the item graphic – Defaults to PageName.png
Size | Size of the item in grid units – Possible values are, but not limited to: 1x1 , 2x2 , and 2x4 . Defaults to a "best guess" based on the item's type, subtype, and requirements.
Rarity | Rarity of the item – This only applies to weapons, armour, accessories, flasks, and maps. Possible values are: Normal , Magic , Rare , and Unique . Defaults to Normal .
Type | Type of the item, for formatting purposes – Possible values are: Weapon , Armour , Accessory , Flask , Map , Currency , and Quest .
Subtype | Subtype of the item – Possible values are, but not limited to: Axe , Staff , Gloves , Body Armour , and Ring .
BaseItem | Base item page name, for rares and uniques |
RequiredLevel | Level requirement of the item |
RequiredStrength | Strength requirement of the item |
RequiredDexterity | Dexterity requirement of the item |
RequiredIntelligence | Intelligence requirement of the item |
PhysicalDamage | Physical damage of the weapon |
FireDamage | Fire damage of the weapon |
ColdDamage | Cold damage of the weapon |
LightningDamage | Lightning damage of the weapon |
ChaosDamage | Chaos damage of the weapon |
AverageDamage | Override for normal average damage calculation; used for weapons such as Dyadus |
CriticalStrikeChance | Critical strike chance of the weapon |
AttacksPerSecond | Attacks per second of the weapon |
Armour | Armour rating of the armour item |
Evasion | Evasion rating of the armour item |
EnergyShield | Energy shield of the armour item |
Block | Block chance of the shield |
MapLevel | Map level of the map item |
ItemQuantity | Item quantity modifier of the map item |
StackSize | Maximum stack size of the currency item |
Effect | Effect of the usable utility flask, currency item, or microtransaction item |
FlaskLife | Life restoration on use of the flask |
FlaskMana | Mana restoration on use of the flask |
FlaskDuration | Life or mana restoration time or utility effect duration of the flask |
FlaskCharges | Total "charge" capacity of the flask |
FlaskChargesUsed | "Charges" consumed on use of the flask |
ImplicitMods | Implicit mods of the item – Separate each line with <br> .
RandomMods | Random mods of the item – Separate each line with <br> .
Cosmetic | Cosmetic mods of the item – Separate each line with <br> .
FlavourText | Flavour text of the item – Separate each line with <br> .
HelpText | Help text of the item – Separate each line with <br> .
Numerical ranges
There are two types of numerical ranges for items: damage ranges and random value ranges. See the discussion about distinguishing between ranges.
Damage ranges are two numbers separated by an en dash (–
), indicating a range of possible values for damage calculation. These appear on the wiki very similar to how they appear in game.
- Physical Damage: 15–23
- Adds 48–72 Fire Damage
Random value ranges are two numbers or damage ranges separated by the word "to" and enclosed in parentheses, indicating a range of possible values for item stat rolls. These do not appear in game at all, but are shown on the wiki for informational purposes.
- Evasion Rating: (80 to 91)
- +(60 to 80) to maximum Life
- (10 to 20)% increased Attack Speed
- Adds (15–25 to 24–35) Chaos Damage
Code templates
Copy and paste a code template to get started.
<onlyinclude>{{Item | View={{{View|}}} | Format={{{Format|}}} | Name = Driftwood Wand | Size = 1x3 | Rarity = Normal | Type = Weapon | Subtype = Wand | RequiredLevel = | RequiredStrength = | RequiredDexterity = | RequiredInteligence = | PhysicalDamage = 4-7 | CriticalStrikeChance = 8% | AttacksPerSecond = 1.3 | ImplicitMods = (8-12)% increased Spell Damage }}</onlyinclude>
<onlyinclude>{{Item | View={{{View|}}} | Format={{{Format|}}} | Name = Scholar's Robe | Size = 2x4 | Rarity = Normal | Type = Armour | Subtype = Body Armour | RequiredLevel = 18 | RequiredStrength = | RequiredDexterity = | RequiredIntelligence = 55 | Armour = | Evasion = | EnergyShield = 41 | ImplicitMods = }}</onlyinclude>
Unique amulet
<onlyinclude>{{Item | View={{{View|}}} | Format={{{Format|}}} | Name = Araku Tiki | Size = 1x1 | Rarity = Unique | Type = Accessory | Subtype = Amulet | RequiredLevel = 18 | ImplicitMods = (2.0 to 4.0) Life Regenerated per second | RandomMods = You gain 100 Evasion Rating when on Low Life <br> +(30 to 50) to maximum Life <br> +(20 to 30)% to Fire Resistance <br> 1.0% of Life Regenerated per Second while on Low Life | FlavourText = It is said to make you invisible when the Great <br> Spirit comes to take you on your final journey. }}</onlyinclude>