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Chat command
Chat commands are commands that can be typed into the chat window. They are prefixed with a "/"
/played | displays how long you have played this character for |
/age | displays how long ago you created this character |
/remaining | displays the number of monsters remaining in the area |
/deaths | displays how many deaths you have incurred |
/ladder | shows the top ten characters on the current ladder |
/destroy | destroys the item on your cursor (be careful!) |
/whois | displays some information about a character by name |
/itemlevel | displays the level of an item on your cursor |
/bug | reports a bug and gives you the report reference number |
/ignore | ignores an account by character name |
/unignore | stops ignoring an account by character name |
/clear_ignore_list | removes all accounts from your ignore list |
/invite | invites someone to your party by name |
/friend | adds a friend to your list by name |
/autoreply [message] | Autoreply to whispers with a custom message. |
/afk [message] | Autoreply to whispers that you are AFK. Performing any action, including chatting, will cancel AFK mode. |
/dnd [message] | Autoreply to whispers that you are DND and ignore all incoming messages. |
/global [X] | changes to global chat channel X. |
/trade [X] | changes to trade chat channel X. |
/hideout | warps you to your personal Hideout. |
/guild | warps you to your Guild's Hideout. |
/reset_XP | Resets your experience per hour calculation. |
/save_hideout | Saves the current Hideout layout to a file that can be later loaded or shared. |
/itemfilter | allows you to specify a filter by name to instantly switch to using it |
/kills | displays how many experience granting kills you have accrued |
/leave | Leaves the current party |
/ResetAtlas | Resets your Atlas when it is in a bricked state |