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Revision as of 18:44, 16 January 2025 by KnowledgeJunkie (talk | contribs) (Created page with "local function processResult(options, success, ...) if not success then local message = tostring(... or '(no message)') if options.removeLocation then message = string.gsub(message, '^Module:[^:]+:%d+: ', '', 1) end return string.format(options.errFormat, message) end return ... end local function protect(func, errFormat, options) if type(errFormat) == 'table' then options = options or errFormat errFormat = nil end options = mw.clone(options) or {}...")
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Module documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

This module was adapted from Module:Protect on Wikipedia.
Adaptation is noted for reference and attribution only. This module may differ from the original in function or in usage.

This metamodule simplifies error handling in other modules. It transforms a function, which may throw an error, into a function, which returns a specified error message in that case.



local function processResult(options, success, ...)
	if not success then
		local message = tostring(... or '(no message)')
		if options.removeLocation then
			message = string.gsub(message, '^Module:[^:]+:%d+: ', '', 1)
		return string.format(options.errFormat, message)
	return ...

local function protect(func, errFormat, options)
	if type(errFormat) == 'table' then
		options = options or errFormat
		errFormat = nil
	options = mw.clone(options) or {}
	options.errFormat = errFormat or options.errFormat or 'Error: %s'
	if not options.raw then
		options.errFormat = '<strong class="error">' .. options.errFormat .. '</strong>'
	options.removeLocation = options.removeLocation == nil or options.removeLocation
	return function (...)
		return processResult(options, pcall(func, ...))

return protect