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Template:Passive skill table

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This template uses the following modules:


This template creates an advanced tabular list for passive skills based on performing an cargo query.


Main parameters

Parameter Value Description Required
default str If specified, the value of this will be returned of there are no results for the specified query. No
large bool Whether to show large inventory icons

Default: No

no_html bool Don't show HTML infoboxes on hover.

Advisable to enable this on very large lists, as it makes the resulting table much smaller. In particular if the page hits the wiki limits for size.

q_<param> It is possible to add any parameters of the cargo query (field names) by prefixing them with q_.

Specifying at least q_where and q_limit is highly recommended.

Additional tables can be specified using q_tables.


Display control parameters

All these parameters are binary, so as long you specify something like icon=1 it will show up. If something is not available on the item you're fetching it will show up as "N/A"

Parameter Description
ascendancy Show the ascendancy class of the respective passive.
id Show the id of the passive.
int_id Show the integer id of the passive.
stat_text Show the stat text of the passive.
skill_points Show the number of skill points granted by the passive.
connections Show the passive skills this passive skill is connected to.
flavour_text Show the flavour text of the passive.
reminder_text Show the reminder text of the passive.
is_notable Show whether the passive is a notable or not.
is_keystone Show whether the passive is a keystone or not.


Every non-ascendancy node that grants intelligence

{{Passive skill table
|q_tables = passive_skill_stats
|q_join = passive_skills._pageName = passive_skill_stats._pageName
|q_where = LIKE "%intelligence%"
 AND passive_skills.ascendancy_class IS NULL
 AND passive_skills.stat_text IS NOT NULL

Lua error: Error: Table passive_skills not found..

All Deadeye ascendancy nodes

{{Passive skill table
|q_where = 
 AND passive_skills.stat_text IS NOT NULL

Lua error: Error: Table passive_skills not found..