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Revision as of 15:38, 25 July 2014 by Vinifera7 (talk | contribs)
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Module documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

This page is not an actual Scribunto module. It exists to provide editors a place to create experimental modules.

Naming your modules

To keep things tidy, please use the following format to name your experimental modules:

Module:Sandbox/Your username/Module name

Cleaning up unused modules

Experimental modules may be deleted by admins upon request or after a long period of inactivity.

List of modules in this area

For a list of the experimental modules under Module:Sandbox, see Special:PrefixIndex/Module:Sandbox/.

local p = {}

function p.main(frame)
	local origArgs
	if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then -- Module called via #invoke.
		-- If the invoking template passed any arguments, use them.
		for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do
			origArgs = frame.args
		-- Otherwise, use the arguments that were passed into the template.
		if not origArgs then
			origArgs = frame:getParent().args
	else -- Module called from another module or from the debug console.
		-- Assume the arguments are passed in directly.
		origArgs = frame
	local args = {}
	for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do
		-- Only grab non-empty args where key is a positive integer
		if type(k) == 'number' and k >= 1 and math.floor(k) == k and mw.ustring.match(v, '%S') then
			table.insert(args, k)
	for i, v in ipairs(args) do
		args[i] = mw.text.trim(origArgs[v])
	return table.concat(args, origArgs.sep or ', ')

function p_main(args)


return p