Path of Exile 2 Wiki:Troubleshooting known issues

From Path of Exile 2 Wiki
Revision as of 18:11, 22 December 2016 by >OmegaK2 (→‎Semantic Mediawiki)
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Issues on this wiki that are known to the admins/sysops and possible solutions on how to fix it. Consider the talk page if you want something added.


Page is not added to transcluded categories from pages with <includeonly>

The symptom is generally that the page shows the category correctly at the bottom, but is not actually added to it.


  • null-edit the page the category is transcluded to


Scributo (Modules/Lua)

mw.text.split is very slow


  • If possible use string.split instead

Semantic Mediawiki

Query depth

There is a limit on how large and complex SMW queries can be; you can use format=debug to get an idea what is happening with the query.

Some ways to solve this problem:

  • reduce the number of conditions in the query
  • reduce the number of subqueries (i.e. <q></q>
  • summarize common conditions into a concept
  • use a lua module for further iteration purposes

Redirect pages may cause issues with properties

Can occur due to:

  • moving pages (with properties) and leaving a redirect
  • editing redirect pages
  • deleting pages that contain redirects

Solution (steps):

  1. validate the properties on the real page are set as they should
    1. if missing or incorrect properties are present, null-edit the page
    2. if this is still the case, do a minor edit on the page such as adding a space

Text search not working properly

Causes and solutions

  1. Text after 72nd character is not searched
    • Try limiting your search to the first portion of the text
    • Use other means of searching (i.e. other properties)
    • When working on template make sure the characters intended for search are not too long
  2. Text may include HTML/wikitext
    • In case of wiki links screwing search up consider searching for words only, e.x. ~Life*Leech

Properties or values were changed in a template but they don't show up in the properties

Such changes generally take a while (up to several hours) to go though, esp. on templates that are used in many places.


  • Just wait it out (preferred)
  • perform null-edits (edit with no changes) on all pages using the template

Templates/module issues specific to this wiki