Module:Data tables/Monster stats
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local data = { {
name = "Monster",
id = "item_drop_slots",
value = 1,
stat_text = "1 item drop slots",
name = "Monster",
id = "energy_shield_recharge_rate_per_minute_%",
value = 1200,
stat_text = "20% of [[Energy Shield]] Recharged per second",
name = "Monster",
id = "mana_regeneration_rate_per_minute_%",
value = 100,
stat_text = "Regenerate 1.7% of [[Mana]] per second",
name = "Monster",
id = "base_maximum_mana",
value = 200,
stat_text = "+200 to maximum [[Mana]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "maximum_physical_damage_reduction_%",
value = 75,
stat_text = "75% to maximum [[Physical Damage]] Reduction",
name = "Monster",
id = "max_viper_strike_orbs",
value = 4,
stat_text = "Can have up to 4 [[Viper Strike]] Orbs",
name = "Monster",
id = "base_maximum_fire_damage_resistance_%",
value = 75,
stat_text = "+75% to maximum [[Fire Resistance]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "base_maximum_cold_damage_resistance_%",
value = 75,
stat_text = "+75% to maximum [[Cold Resistance]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "base_maximum_lightning_damage_resistance_%",
value = 75,
stat_text = "+75% to maximum [[Lightning Resistance]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "base_maximum_chaos_damage_resistance_%",
value = 75,
stat_text = "+75% to maximum [[Chaos Resistance]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "max_fuse_arrow_orbs",
value = 5,
stat_text = "Can have up to 5 [[Explosive Arrow]] Stacks",
name = "Monster",
id = "max_fire_beam_stacks",
value = 8,
stat_text = "Can have up to 8 Fire Beam Stacks",
name = "Monster",
id = "max_charged_attack_stacks",
value = 10,
stat_text = "10 additional maximum [[Blade Flurry]] stages",
name = "Monster",
id = "base_critical_strike_multiplier",
value = 130,
stat_text = "Base [[Critical Strike]] Multiplier: 130",
name = "Monster",
id = "critical_ailment_dot_multiplier_+",
value = 30,
stat_text = "+30% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Ailments from Critical Strikes",
name = "Monster",
id = "max_endurance_charges",
value = 3,
stat_text = "+3 to Maximum [[Endurance Charge|Endurance Charges]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "max_frenzy_charges",
value = 3,
stat_text = "+3 to Maximum [[Frenzy Charge|Frenzy Charges]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "max_power_charges",
value = 3,
stat_text = "+3 to Maximum [[Power Charge|Power Charges]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "base_attack_speed_+%_per_frenzy_charge",
value = 15,
stat_text = "15% increased [[Attack Speed]] per [[Frenzy Charge]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "base_cast_speed_+%_per_frenzy_charge",
value = 15,
stat_text = "15% increased [[Cast Speed]] per [[Frenzy Charge]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "movement_velocity_+%_per_frenzy_charge",
value = 5,
stat_text = "5% increased [[Movement Speed]] per [[Frenzy Charge]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "object_inherent_damage_+%_final_per_frenzy_charge",
value = 4,
stat_text = "4% more Damage per [[Frenzy Charge]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "physical_damage_reduction_%_per_endurance_charge",
value = 15,
stat_text = "15% additional [[Physical Damage]] Reduction per [[Endurance Charge]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "resist_all_elements_%_per_endurance_charge",
value = 15,
stat_text = "+15% to all [[Elemental Resistance|Elemental Resistances]] per [[Endurance Charge]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "critical_strike_chance_+%_per_power_charge",
value = 200,
stat_text = "200% increased [[Critical Strike Chance]] per [[Power Charge]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "maximum_block_%",
value = 75,
stat_text = "+75% to maximum Chance to [[Block]] [[Attack Damage]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "base_number_of_totems_allowed",
value = 1,
stat_text = "+1 to maximum number of Summoned [[Totem|Totems]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "base_number_of_traps_allowed",
value = 3,
stat_text = "Can have up to 3 [[Trap|Traps]] placed at a time",
name = "Monster",
id = "base_number_of_remote_mines_allowed",
value = 5,
stat_text = "Can have up to 5 Remote [[Mine|Mines]] placed at a time",
name = "Monster",
id = "max_corrupted_blood_stacks",
value = 20,
stat_text = "Can have up to 20 [[Corrupted Blood]] Stacks",
name = "Monster",
id = "max_corrupted_blood_rain_stacks",
value = 20,
stat_text = "Can have up to 20 [[Corrupted Blood]] Rain Stacks",
name = "Monster",
id = "maximum_dodge_chance_%",
value = 75,
stat_text = "Can have up to 75% [[Dodge]] Chance",
name = "Monster",
id = "maximum_spell_dodge_chance_%",
value = 75,
stat_text = "Can have up to 75% [[Spell Dodge]] Chance",
name = "Monster",
id = "movement_velocity_cap",
value = 128,
stat_text = "[[Movement Speed]] is capped at 128",
name = "Monster",
id = "maximum_life_leech_rate_%_per_minute",
value = 1200,
stat_text = "+20% of Maximum [[Life]] to Maximum total Recovery per second from [[Life]] [[Leech]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "maximum_mana_leech_rate_%_per_minute",
value = 1200,
stat_text = "+20% of Maximum [[Mana]] to maximum total Recovery per second from [[Mana]] [[Leech]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "maximum_energy_shield_leech_rate_%_per_minute",
value = 600,
stat_text = "+10% of Maximum [[Energy Shield]] to maximum total Recovery per second from [[Energy Shield]] [[Leech]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "monster_ignite_damage_+%_final",
value = -50,
stat_text = "Monsters deal 50% less [[Ignite]] Damage",
name = "Monster",
id = "monster_bleeding_damage_+%_final",
value = -86,
stat_text = "Monsters deal 86% less Bleeding Damage",
name = "Monster",
id = "monster_poison_damage_+%_final",
value = -50,
stat_text = "Monsters deal 50% less [[Poison]] Damage",
name = "Monster",
id = "bleeding_moving_damage_%_of_base_override",
value = 500,
stat_text = "Bleeding while moving deals 500% of base damage",
name = "Monster",
id = "max_azurite_debuff_stacks",
value = 10,
stat_text = "Can have up to 10 Azurite Stacks",
name = "Monster",
id = "impaled_debuff_base_duration_ms",
value = 8000,
stat_text = "Impale lasts 8 seconds",
name = "Monster",
id = "impaled_debuff_number_of_reflected_hits",
value = 5,
stat_text = "Impales you inflict last 5 additional [[Hit|Hits]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "ignore_skill_weapon_restrictions",
value = 1,
stat_text = "[[Skill]] weapon restrictions are ignored",
name = "Monster",
id = "base_total_number_of_sigils_allowed",
value = 3,
stat_text = "You can Cast 3 additional Brands",
name = "Monster",
id = "maximum_life_leech_amount_per_leech_%_max_life",
value = 10,
stat_text = "+10% of Maximum [[Life]] to maximum Recovery per [[Life]] [[Leech]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "maximum_mana_leech_amount_per_leech_%_max_mana",
value = 10,
stat_text = "+10% of Maximum [[Mana]] to maximum Recovery per [[Mana]] [[Leech]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "maximum_energy_shield_leech_amount_per_leech_%_max_energy_shield",
value = 10,
stat_text = "+10% of Maximum [[Energy Shield]] to maximum Recovery per [[Energy Shield]] [[Leech]]",
name = "Monster",
id = "object_inherent_melee_hit_stun_duration_+%_final",
value = 20,
stat_text = "Melee [[Hit|hits]] have 20% more Stun Duration",
name = "Monster",
id = "scale_melee_range_to_actor_scale",
value = 1,
stat_text = "Melee range scaled by model size",
name = "Monster",
id = "use_melee_pattern_range",
value = 1,
stat_text = "",
return data