
This module was adapted from Module:String on Wikipedia.
Adaptation is noted for reference and attribution only. This module may differ from the original in function or in usage. The documentation on Wikipedia may be helpful in understanding this module.
Adaptation is noted for reference and attribution only. This module may differ from the original in function or in usage. The documentation on Wikipedia may be helpful in understanding this module.
The above documentation is transcluded from Module:String/doc.
Editors can experiment in this module's sandbox and testcases pages.
Subpages of this module.
Editors can experiment in this module's sandbox and testcases pages.
Subpages of this module.
local str = {}
function str.len( frame )
return mw.ustring.len( frame.args.s )
function str.sub( frame )
return mw.ustring.sub( frame.args.s, tonumber( frame.args.i ), tonumber( frame.args.j ) )
function str.sublength( frame )
local i = tonumber( frame.args.i ) or 0
local len = tonumber( frame.args.len )
return mw.ustring.sub( frame.args.s, i + 1, len and ( i + len ) )
function str.match( frame )
return mw.ustring.match( frame.args.s, frame.args.pattern, tonumber( frame.args.i ) )
This function returns a single character from the target string at position pos.
target: The string to search
pos: The index for the character to return
If invoked using named parameters, Mediawiki will automatically remove any leading or
trailing whitespace from the target string. In some circumstances this is desirable, in
other cases one may want to preserve the whitespace.
The first character has an index value of 1.
If one requests a negative value, this function will select a character by counting backwards
from the end of the string. In other words pos = -1 is the same as asking for the last character.
A requested value of zero, or a value greater than the length of the string returns an error.
function str.pos( frame )
local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, {'target', 'pos'} );
local target_str = new_args['target'] or '';
local pos = tonumber( new_args['pos'] ) or 0;
if pos == 0 or math.abs(pos) > mw.ustring.len( target_str ) then
return '<strong class="error">String index out of range</strong>';
return mw.ustring.sub( target_str, pos, pos );
This function duplicates the behavior of {{str_find}}, including all of its quirks.
This is provided in order to support existing templates, but is NOT RECOMMENDED for
new code and templates. New code is recommended to use the "find" function instead.
Returns the first index in "source" that is a match to "target". Indexing is 1-based,
and the function returns -1 if the "target" string is not present in "source".
Important Note: If the "target" string is empty / missing, this function returns a
value of "1", which is generally unexpected behavior, and must be accounted for
function str.str_find( frame )
local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, {'source', 'target'} );
local source_str = new_args['source'] or '';
local target_str = new_args['target'] or '';
if target_str == '' then
return 1;
local start = mw.ustring.find( source_str, target_str, 1, true )
if start == nil then
start = -1
return start
This function allows one to search for a target string or pattern within another
source: The string to search
target: The string or pattern to find within source
start: The index within the source string to start the search, defaults to 1
plain: Boolean flag indicating that target should be understood as plain
text and not as a Lua style regular expression, defaults to true
If invoked using named parameters, Mediawiki will automatically remove any leading or
trailing whitespace from the parameter. In some circumstances this is desirable, in
other cases one may want to preserve the whitespace.
This function returns the first index >= "start" where "target" can be found
within "source". Indices are 1-based. If "target" is not found, then this
function returns 0. If either "source" or "target" are missing / empty, this
function also returns 0.
This function should be safe for UTF-8 strings.
function str.find( frame )
local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, {'source', 'target', 'start', 'plain' } );
local source_str = new_args['source'] or '';
local pattern = new_args['target'] or '';
local start_pos = tonumber(new_args['start']) or 1;
local plain = new_args['plain'] or true;
if source_str == '' or pattern == '' then
return 0;
if type( plain ) == 'string' then
plain = plain:lower();
if plain == 'false' or plain == 'no' or plain == '0' then
plain = false;
plain = true;
local start = mw.ustring.find( source_str, pattern, start_pos, plain )
if start == nil then
start = 0
return start
This function allows one to replace a target string or pattern within another
source: The string to search
patten: The string or pattern to find within source
replace: The replacement text
firstonly: Boolean flag indicating that only the first occurence found should be replaced
function str.replace_plain( frame )
local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, {'source', 'pattern', 'replace', 'firstonly' } );
local source_str = new_args['source'] or '';
local pattern = new_args['pattern'] or '';
local replace = new_args['replace'] or '';
local firstonly = new_args['firstonly'] or '';
firstonly = firstonly:lower();
if source_str == '' or pattern == '' then
return source_str;
local pattern_plain = mw.ustring.gsub(pattern, '%%', '%%%%');
local replace_plain = mw.ustring.gsub(replace, '%%', '%%%%');
if firstonly == 'true' or firstonly == 'yes' or firstonly == '1' then
local result = mw.ustring.gsub( source_str, pattern_plain, replace_plain, 1 );
local result = mw.ustring.gsub( source_str, pattern_plain, replace_plain, n );
return result;
Helper function that populates the argument list given that user may need to use a mix of
named and unnamed parameters. This is relevant because named parameters are not
identical to unnamed parameters due to string trimming, and when dealing with strings
we sometimes want to either preserve or remove that whitespace depending on the application.
function str._getParameters( frame_args, arg_list )
local new_args = {};
local index = 1;
local value;
for i,arg in ipairs( arg_list ) do
value = frame_args[arg]
if value == nil then
value = frame_args[index];
index = index + 1;
new_args[arg] = value;
return new_args;
return str