Couture of Crimson Gilded VestmentsArmour: 193 Energy Shield: 59Requires Level 52, 59 Str, 59 Int(85)% increased Armour and Energy Shield 25% reduced maximum Life 48% reduced Bleed Duration on you Life Leech can Overflow Maximum LifeIt's often said of nobles that they live off their peasants... sometimes, it's truer than any suspect.
Metadata Item class: Body Armour
Couture of Crimson is a uniqueGilded VestmentsGilded VestmentsArmour: 193 Energy Shield: 59Requires Level 52, 59 Str, 59 Int.
Life Leech can Overflow Maximum Life: This modifier allows leeched life to temporarily grant the player an equivalent amount of additional maximum life, up to the player's maximum life value. This life value will be removed first, and cannot be recovered through other means.