
This is a meta module.
This module is meant to be used only by other modules. It should not be invoked in wikitext.

This module was adapted from Module:Yesno on Wikipedia.
Adaptation is noted for reference and attribution only. This module may differ from the original in function or in usage. The documentation on Wikipedia may be helpful in understanding this module.
Adaptation is noted for reference and attribution only. This module may differ from the original in function or in usage. The documentation on Wikipedia may be helpful in understanding this module.
The above documentation is transcluded from Module:Yesno/doc.
Editors can experiment in this module's sandbox and testcases pages.
Subpages of this module.
Editors can experiment in this module's sandbox and testcases pages.
Subpages of this module.
local p = {}
function p.yesno(frame)
-- defaults
local retvals = {
yes = "yes",
no = "<!-- null -->",
["¬"] = ""
-- Allow arguments to override defaults.
-- 'any' tracks the presence of any arguments at all.
local args = frame.args
local any = false
for k,v in pairs(args) do
any = true
retvals[k] = v
-- If there are no arguments, try and get them from the parent frame.
if any == false then
local pframe = frame:getParent()
args = pframe.args
for k,v in pairs(args) do
retvals[k] = v
val = args[1]
-- First deal with the case if val is nil, then deal with other cases.
if val == nil then
return retvals['¬']
val = val:lower() -- Make lowercase.
val = val:match'^%s*(.*%S)' or '' -- Trim whitespace.
if val == '' then
return retvals['blank'] or retvals['no']
elseif val == 'n' or val == 'no' or tonumber(val) == 0 then
return retvals['no']
elseif val == 'y' or val == 'yes' or tonumber(val) == 1 then
return retvals['yes']
elseif val == '¬' then
return retvals['¬']
return retvals['def'] or retvals['yes']
return p