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User:Mefisto1029: Difference between revisions

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==Items without release_version==
|tables = items
|where = release_version IS NULL
|fields = CONCAT('{{il{{!}}', name, '}}') = Name
|format = table

==Files to fix==
==Files to fix==

Revision as of 20:26, 2 January 2025


Items without release_version

Abyssal Flail
Acrid Wand
Arced Claw
Arched Greataxe
Armoured Claw
Bandit Hatchet
Bearded Axe
Bind Spectre
File:Bladed Trap inventory icon.pngBladed Trap
Blessed Claymore
Bloodletting Dagger
Broad Greatsword
Chain Flail
Charred Shortsword
File:Clamping Trap inventory icon.pngClamping Trap
Clay Trap
Corroded Longsword
Crescent Axe
Crone Knife
Crude Claw
File:Daevata's Wind inventory icon.pngDaevata's Wind
Dull Hatchet
Edged Claw
Elegant Glaive
Executioner Greataxe
Extended Cleaver
Forked Claw
Forked Spear
Galvanic Wand
Glass Shank
Great Flail
Guarded Flail
Hardwood Spear
Holy Flail
Hook Axe
Hooked Claw
Hunting Spear
Icicle Flail
File:Incense Trap inventory icon.pngIncense Trap
Iron Flail
Iron Greatsword
Ironhead Spear
Leather Buckler
Light Halberd
File:Mjölner inventory icon.pngMjölner
Moon Dagger
Offering Wand
Pict Claw
Piercing Claw
Plated Claw
File:Ralakesh's Impatience inventory icon.pngRalakesh's Impatience
Razorglass Claw
Ring Flail
Ringed Buckler
Rippled Greatsword
Sacrificial Axe
Sharktooth Claw
Simple Dagger
Skinning Knife
Slender Flail
Splintered Flail
Splitting Greataxe
Stone Flail
Talon Claw
Tearing Flail
Twin Flail
File:Urn Trap inventory icon.pngUrn Trap
Vampiric Blade
War Spear
Winged Spear
Wolfbane Claw

Files to fix

Unique flavuor

ItemFlavour text
Splinter of Loratta
Solar Lance
The Smiling KnightComing soon
The Vile KnightComing soon
Corona of the Red SunComing soon

Big def values

Biggest defense values
Type Armour Evasion Energy Shield
Body Armour