It is a 1 in 42,423,140,745,216 chance to get a 0-mod Erian's Cobble.
It is a 1 in 42,423,140,745,216 chance to get a 0-mod Erian's Cobble, keeping in mind that Life Regeneration rolls in 0.1 increments.
Revision as of 05:17, 18 December 2024
Erian's Cobble Guarded HelmArmour: 34 Evasion: 28Requires Level 11, 13 Str, 13 Dex+(0-20) to Armour +(0-15) to Evasion Rating +(0-10) to maximum Energy Shield +(0-30) to Accuracy Rating +(0-15) to maximum Life (0-15)% increased Critical Hit Chance +(0-5) to Strength +(0-5) to Dexterity +(0-5) to Intelligence +(0-5)% to Fire Resistance +(0-5)% to Cold Resistance +(0-5)% to Lightning Resistance (0-3) Life Regeneration per secondSometimes patching up your equipment gets out of hand.