Precursor tablet: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Stub}} '''Precursor tablet''' is an item that can be used in the precursor tower to add additional encounters to nearby maps in the atlas. {{Drop enabled base item table |where = LIKE "%Precursor Tablet%" |large=1 |drop_level=1 |description=1 }}")
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Revision as of 18:23, 22 November 2024

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Precursor tablet is an item that can be used in the precursor tower to add additional encounters to nearby maps in the atlas.

Breach Precursor TabletBreach Precursor Tablet(5-10) Maps in Range contain BreachesCan be used in a completed Tower on your Atlas to influence surrounding Maps. Tablets are consumed once placed into a Tower.(5-10) Maps in Range contain Breaches65
Delirium Precursor TabletDelirium Precursor Tablet(5-10) Maps in Range contain Mirrors of DeliriumCan be used in a completed Tower on your Atlas to influence surrounding Maps. Tablets are consumed once placed into a Tower.(5-10) Maps in Range contain Mirrors of Delirium65
Expedition Precursor TabletExpedition Precursor Tablet(5-10) Maps in Range contain Expedition EncountersCan be used in a completed Tower on your Atlas to influence surrounding Maps. Tablets are consumed once placed into a Tower.(5-10) Maps in Range contain Expedition Encounters65
Overseer Precursor TabletOverseer Precursor TabletUp to (3-7) Maps in Range contain BossesCan be used in a completed Tower on your Atlas to influence surrounding Maps. Tablets are consumed once placed into a Tower.Up to (3-7) Maps in Range contain Bosses65
Precursor TabletPrecursor Tablet(5-10) Maps in Range are IrradiatedCan be used in a completed Tower on your Atlas to influence surrounding Maps. Tablets are consumed once placed into a Tower.(5-10) Maps in Range are Irradiated65
Ritual Precursor TabletRitual Precursor Tablet(5-10) Maps in Range contain Ritual AltarsCan be used in a completed Tower on your Atlas to influence surrounding Maps. Tablets are consumed once placed into a Tower.(5-10) Maps in Range contain Ritual Altars65