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User:Mefisto1029/sandbox: Difference between revisions

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= Quest navbox =
| name  = Navbox Quests
| title = [[Quest]]s

| group1 = [[Act 1]]
| list1  = {{Flatlist|
* [[Mercy for the Miller]]
|rarity_id                              = normal
* [[Treacherous Ground]]
|name                                    = Arctic Armour
* [[Secrets in The Dark]]
|class_id                                = Active Skill Gem
* [[The Mysterious Shade]]
|size_x                                  = 1
* [[Sorrow Among Stones]]
|size_y                                  = 1
* [[The Trail of Corruption]]
|drop_level                              = 1
|tags                                    = gem, default
|metadata_id                            =
| group2 = [[Act 2]]
|help_text                              =
| list2  = {{Flatlist|
|intelligence_percent                    = 100
|gem_tags                                = Buff, Spell, Persistent, Sustained, Cold
|gem_description                        =
|active_skill_name                      =
| group3 = [[Act 3]]
|skill_icon                              = Arctic Armour
| list3  = {{Flatlist|
|skill_id                                = Arctic Armour
|required_level                          =  
|static_cost_types                      = Spirit
|static_critical_strike_chance          = 11
| group4 = [[Act 4]]
|stat_text                              =  
| list4  = {{Flatlist|
|static_cost_amounts                    = 30
|level1                                  = True
| group5 = [[Act 5]]
| list5  = {{Flatlist|
| group6 = [[Act 6]]
| list6  = {{Flatlist|
<!-- Add categories and interwikis to the /doc subpage, not here! -->

= Treacherous Ground =
|gem_tier = 2
|release_version                        = 0.1.0
|name = Treacherous Ground
|required = yes
|start = Talk to [[Renly‎]]
|objective = Kill [[The Devourer]]
|boss = The Devourer
|boss_image = The Devourer monster screenshot.jpg
|completion = Talk to [[Renly‎]]
|act = 1
'''Treacherous Ground''' is a [[quest]] in [[act 1]].
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Search [[Clearfell]] to find [[the Mud Burrow]] entrance===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Find [[the Devourer]] and slay it===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Kill [[the Devourer]]===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Talk to the [[Renly‎]]===
<blockquote>Seperated its head from its body, did you? That's incredible! You're the first person to truly score a decisive victory against the hordes.
We can breathe a bit easier now, perhaps even go out and gather food. This won't cover our debt to you, not nearly, but take it as thanks.</blockquote>
[[Renly‎]] offers an [[Uncut Skill Gem]].

===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Quest complete===
Quest Complete – You have slain [[the Devourer]] and have received a reward from [[Renly‎]].

{{Navbox Quests}}
{{Item acquisition/sandbox}}

= Secrets in The Dark =
|name = Secrets in The Dark
|required = yes
|start = Talk to [[Una]]
|rarity_id                              = normal
|objective = ?
|name                                   = Uncut Skill Gem
|completion = Talk to [[Una]]
|class_id                                = QuestItem
|key_item = {{il|Roseus Glyph}}<br>{{il|Roseus Guard}}<br>{{il|Runed Skull Cap}}
|size_x                                  = 1
|act = 1
|size_y                                  = 1
|drop_level                              = 1
|tags                                    = default
|metadata_id                            =
|stack_size                              =
|description                            = Creates a Skill Gem up to level 1
|help_text                              = Right Click to engrave a Skill Gem.
|stack_size_currency_tab                = 5000
|release_version                        = 0.1.0
|is_drop_restricted                      = true
|drop_text                              = Quest reward for [[Reaching Clearfell]].
|quest_reward1_type                      = quest
|quest_reward1_quest                    = Reaching Clearfell
|quest_reward1_quest_id                  = a1q1
|quest_reward1_act                      = 1
|quest_reward1_npc                      = Renly
|quest_reward1_notes                    = Tier 1
'''Secrets in The Dark''' is a [[quest]] in [[act 1]].
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Travel through [[Clearfell]] to [[the Old Forest]]===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Search [[the Old Forest]] for evidence of the Count's activities===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Summon [[Una]] and ask her about the entity in the Tree===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Find the entrance to [[the Red Vale]] in [[the Old Forest]]===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Search [[the Red Vale]] for Obelisks of Rust containing Runes of Power===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Investigate the Obelisks of Rust===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Defeat the monsters guarding the Rune of Power===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Collect all 3 Runes of Power===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Bring the Runes to [[Renly]] for forging===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Travel to [[The Old Forest]]===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Stab the [[Runed Spikes|Rune Spikes]] into the Tree of Souls===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Speak to [[Una]] about what you have just witnessed===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Return to [[the Clearfell Encampment]] and speak to [[Una]]===
[[Una]] becomes available as disenchanter.{{Confirm}}
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Quest complete===
Quest Complete – You have slain [[the Devourer]] and have received a reward from [[Una]].
{{Navbox Quests}}
= The Mysterious Shade =
|name = The Mysterious Shade
|required = yes
|start = Enter the [[The Grim Tangle]]
|objective = ?
|boss = ?
|boss_image = ? monster screenshot.jpg
|completion = Talk to [[?]]
|act = 1
'''The Mysterious Shade''' is a [[quest]] in [[act 1]].
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] The roots are impassable for now===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Travel to [[The Grim Tangle]]===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Speak to [[Una]] about the roots===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Continue through [[the Grim Tangle]]===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Search for the Count's grave past the Memorial Gate===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Bring [[Count Lachlann's Ring]] to [[Una]]===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] xxx===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] xxx===
{{Navbox Quests}}
=Sorrow Among Stones=
|name = Sorrow Among Stones
|required = yes
|start = Talk to [[Lachlann, Ezomyte Rebel]]
|objective = Kill [[Lachlann of Endless Lament]]
|boss = Lachlann of Endless Lament
|boss_image = Lachlann of Endless Lament monster screenshot.jpg
|completion = Kill [[Lachlann of Endless Lament]]
|act = 1
'''Sorrow Among Stones''' is a [[quest]] in [[act 1]].
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Search the [[Graveyard]] [[the Tomb]] and [[the Mausoleum]]===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Enter [[the Mausoleum]]===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Search [[the Mausoleum]] for [[Draven, Eternal Praetor|Draven]] and his Consort===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Destroy Praetor [[Draven, Eternal Praetor|Draven]]===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Pick up [[Draven's Memorial Key Piece]]===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Return to the [[Graveyard]] and search for [[the Tomb]]===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Enter [[the Tomb]] in search of [[Asinia, Praetor Consort|Asinia]]===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Search for [[Asinia, Praetor Consort|Asinia]] in [[the Tomb]]===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Destroy [[Asinia, Praetor Consort]]===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Pick up [[Asinia's Memorial Key Piece]]===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Return to the [[Graveyard]] and open the Memorial Gate===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Follow [[Lachlann, Ezomyte Rebel|Lachlann]]===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Put [[Lachlann, Ezomyte Rebel|Lachlann]] to rest===
{{Navbox Quests}}
=The Trail of Corruption=
|name = The Trail of Corruption
|required = yes
|start = Enter [[The Hunting Grounds]]
|objective = ?
|boss = ?
|boss_image = ? Lament monster screenshot.jpg
|completion = ?
|act = 1
'''The Trail of Corruption''' is a [[quest]] in [[act 1]].
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] Find the entrance to the Village===
===[[File:Quest Notification.png|30px]] xxx===

{{Item acquisition/sandbox}}-->

{{Navbox Quests}}
==[[Witch]] maps==
* '''[[Forge]]''': Not quite hot enough here for my tastes.
* '''[[Sulphuric Caverns]]''': I don't mind pollution, but not like this.
* '''{{c|unique|[[Untainted Paradise]]}}''': —

Latest revision as of 13:11, 8 January 2025


Arctic ArmourBuff, Spell, Persistent, Sustained, Cold
Tier: 2
Level: 1
Cost: 30 Spirit
Critical Strike Chance: 11.00%
Drop restricted
It can be obtained by engraving an Uncut Spirit Gem.
Item class: Skill Gem

Item acquisition

Arctic Armour has restrictions on where or how it can drop.

It can be obtained by engraving an Uncut Spirit Gem.

Witch maps